Blog more. It is good for your health !!

Blogging/writing is good for your health. If nothing else, you should write just because of that. Thankfully there are many other reasons why people write and if you don’t have one yet, improving your health should be enough reason to do it.

Many people don’t write because they don’t know what to write about, or feel like it will be a waste of time, they are wrong. Writing is both enjoyable and healthy not because of the words you write but because of the process you go through to come up with the words you are going to type. Austin Gunter from TechRanch Austin tweeted “Writing really helps. It’s like Airborne for the heart.” I agree.

Writing is therapeutic. I agree with Miguel de Cervantes‘ quote: “The pen is the tongue of the mind” and this can be both good and bad, this could get you in trouble if you are not careful about the topics you write about. However, the therapeutic value will be there, always. For some, writing is a way to communicate ideas and thoughts with others in a very comfortable way… because you can read, edit, read again and edit one more time before you share it with others, you just don’t have that benefit when you are talking. So yes, the pen is the tongue of the mind but is under much more control than the mouth itself.

Writing is also one of the few if not the only way of communication that allows you to edit until you get it right. It is also the best way to create a legacy that is more permanent than almost anything else, what other legacy can you create that is as permanent as the written word? If you are writing a piece of fiction, writing is a medium that allows you to get into another world, create and control different characters, resolve issues that in the real world may seem impossible to work out, etc. Writing (and reading) fiction is a great way to escape from reality, and you don’t need any chemical substances to experience it… see, it is healthier and safer than drugs!

Writing posts in a blog, gives you the opportunity to save your thoughts, experiences and learnings in a very organized way, and the best of all is that it is searchable! and you can also access your blog posts from almost anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

via Blog more. It is good for your health | On Techies.